About Coach Andy

Hi! My name is Andrew James, and I’m a coach with SoCal Youth Sports Solutions. I grew up in Birmingham, England and started playing soccer at the age of 5. When I moved to the United States, I wanted to continue with my passion for the game. I began playing here after playing soccer in England for 25 years. 

I became a coach for Hubbard High School boys soccer in Hubbard, Ohio. During my 10 years coaching Hubbard, I helped to develop our kids to become college ready players with our  program. This program was extremely rewarding and became a catalyst for my next adventure in creating our Eagle Academy program. 

This was a soccer program for all children ages 5-12 in the community. I enjoyed watching the Eagle Academy grow over the course of 8 years. It was fulfilling watching kids grow and help them with their skills year after year. Over the years coaching has become a passion. Being able to support children advance their game and improving their skills, knowledge, and confidence in the game became the driving force behind my coaching method.

Since I began playing at a young age myself, I know the importance of having a coach that cares. When I moved to Los Angeles, I decided I needed to continue coaching. Finding this position with SoCal Youth Sports Solutions has been a very rewarding experience so far. Every week I get to see your children grow as a person and advance their skills. I believe in fostering a team culture so that kids really learn to care about their peers.

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