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Bienvenue Coach Andy!
SoCal Youth Sports would like to welcome Coach Andy to the coaching team! Andy, originally from Birmingham England, grew up playing soccer from 5 years old and began coaching in Ohio before moving to Los Angeles.
Read more about Andy’s story…
Welcome Coach Stephanie!
SoCal Youth Sports would like to welcome Coach Stephanie is a 22-year-old graduate of UCLA, and an LA native. Stephanie aims to make every child who chooses to play soccer feel comfortable and enjoy the experience. Soccer should be a positive and exciting activity for all kid.
Stephanie to the coaching team. Read more about Killian’s story…
One question we are often asked as coaches is how to get the kids “conditioned”. This post is designed to break down the myths and the facts behind what soccer is in relation to conditioning and how to get soccer fit!
Sleep Like A Champ: The Secret Ingredient to Your Child’s Soccer Success
You’ve heard the saying, “You snooze, you lose,” right? Well, when it comes to youth soccer, the opposite might actually be true. “You snooze, you win” could be the new mantra for parents and coaches who are serious about their young athletes’ performance and well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the science-backed benefits of quality sleep for young soccer players and offer practical tips for parents to help their children sleep like champions.
The touchline can be a strange place!
we all want our kids to be successful, but how can we share and support without creating pressure & stress?
Follow these touchline do’s & don’ts to navigate your touchline this season.
With sports seasons in full swing we wanted to give you an extra help in hand this fall. Your “5 Tips To fuel your child for success” aims to give you the, what and when about getting your child’s diet right for their games and practices.
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Have a friend sign up for a class using your personalized referral link and receive 20% coupon from us for your next class pack
It is back to school time which means its time for soccer also. I wanted to give you all an update to our schedule and what the next few months looks like for us at SoCal Youth Sports.
Hi everyone! Now summer is in full swing I wanted to give everyone a heads up of what is coming for SoCal Youth Sports this June, July and August. Follow the link for the update