Highlight Reel - September 2021 - Mateh Mehrabian
Welcome to the SoCal Youth Sports Highlight Reel, a monthly segment highlighting one child from our program on their journey from their first class to the latest class.
The Highlight Reel aims to celebrate a child not only for their on-field progression and successes, but also for embodying the core values and outcomes of our program, Character, Courageousness, Curiosity and Creativity.

Mateh Mehrabian
Highlight Reel – September 2021
3rd Edition – Mateh Mehrabian
Mateh Mehrabian is the latest child in our program to be hand picked for our monthly segment – The Highlight Reel.
The Highlight Reel is an opportunity for us as a program to not only highlight the special characters, like Mateh, but to also express our appreciation to all of our families and demonstrate the relationships we look to build with each child in the program.
At the age of 4, Mateh’s mother and some friends form pre-school got together joined SoCal Youth Sports, creating a brand new Private Group Soccer Class on Monday afternoons last fall. Mateh and the group are a delight to coach, they are always good fun and excited to play.
It was obvious from our first class Mateh had a real excitement and passion for soccer. This continues today, coming early to class to help coach Matt set up the field for their games. “Mateh likes to help because he is a very nice child, but he also knows this helps him get on the ball and score more goals, faster” coach Matt quips. Mateh is always challenging and questioning coach Matt, showing a constant curiosity about soccer and how to be better, how to score more goals and better goals. He is always excited to try new skills, not just on his own but during our games and 1v1s. These new skills do not always end up in goals, but Mateh shows great character to take these failures and try again. To take failure and shake it off as often as he does shows great courage. He is often prepared to try to take on defenders, sometimes many defenders at a time a courageousness we love to see in a 4/5 year old!.
In trying these new skills and ways to score goals Mateh is very creative trying to move defenders often, in different ways and tries to combine some of his skills together. But don’t take our word for it.
See Mateh in action.
Sign Up For Classes
Choose one of the 1 hour Soccer classes on offer for children aged 3 – 10 years old.
We also offer private 1-to-1 and 1-to-2 classes for children under 18.
There are 3 types of classes to choose from:
Join one of our Public Classes currently taking place.
Start your own Private Group Classes with a specified day & time.
Request an Individual Class, a 1-to-1 class with a coach or 1-to-2 class with a coach and a friend.